Single stage hypospadias repair surgery video for a child with failed hypospadias: Nagpur to Vellore to Navi Mumbai, India

Like every other surgery, hypospadias correction surgery has its own risks, complications and failures. Inspite of the best intentions and efforts of the parents and the treating hypospadias surgeon, still the results may be sub-optimal after the first surgery. Though at the end of hypospadias surgery in OT it may seem that the surgery has gone very well, sometimes there may be minor complications which necessitate a second surgery for hypospadias in some children. The rate of second surgery for a complication or failure of first hypospadias surgery decrease with the expertise and experience of the hypospadias surgeon but it is never zero and that is an important thing for the parents and families to understand.

When the first surgery for hypospadias fails, parents get very disturbed and start looking for more information on why it happened and the solutions and second opinion for hypospadias to help fix the problem. Most of the times, the primary surgeon may be the best person to solve the problem but sometimes the complication may be severe and in such cases the patient should be referred to a centre of excellence in hypospadias surgery.

While minor problems like fistula or cosmetic issues can be treated easily with as second minor surgery- major complications of hypospadias surgery such as urethral breakdown, dehiscence, urethral diverticulum or stricture may require more complicated or even a staged repair with grafts. Hence, the dictum- that first surgery for hypospadias is the best surgery- further surgery if the first one fails is always more difficult and challenging.

At Hypospadias Foundation, we regularly receive kids and adults from all over India and other countries who have had a failed hypospadias surgery elsewhere. Families request for a second opinion for the hypospadias treatment and we advise them comprehensively. Some of these cases really benefit from the specialist care offered by a dedicated hypospadias team.

Case Story

Master A.G., a 3 years old boy, resident of Nagpur, underwent a surgery for a proximal penile hypospadias surgery at a hospital in Vellore. Unfortunately, the healing was not optimal and the whole repair had a breakdown. After 6 months of previous surgery, the family wrote to us and visited us at our centre in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. On examination, the child has proximal penile meatus with mild chordee. There was a remnant of foreskin (prepuce) on the underside of penis. There was no foreskin left on the topside of penis. We explained to the parents that this may require a two stage repair but we will try out best to make a flap from the residual foreskin and do the surgery in one stage.

Finally after pre-surgery tests and fitness assessments, we took the child for redo-hypospadias surgery. We could make a nice onlay flap out of the foreskin remnant by carefully dissecting the blood supply and preserving the supply to this flap skin. The flap was used to make the new urethra in one stage as it can be seen in the video below.  The surgery took about 3 hours and the child was allowed feeds four hours after surgery. The dressing was removed after 7 days and catheter after 10 days. The hypospadias site healed very well and the child was examined again after 1 month. He was passing urine well in a single stream from the tip of penis. Now, 6 months after hypospadias repair, A.G. continues to do well and his parents are very happy and we are also overjoyed to achieve a good result in this challenging failed hypospadias case. The detailed hypospadias surgery video can be watched by clicking below. Besides the story mentioned here, the video below shows another child story from Raipur, Chattisgarh where the first surgery resulted in a penile torsion and a large fistula. The child underwent a successful single stage surgery at Hypospadias Foundation:

Watch Video of Failed Hypospadias surgery by Dr A.K.Singal

If you or your loved one has hypospadias and wish to seek an opinion, please write to us at or contact Dr Rajkumar- Coordinator at +91-9821261448 between 10 am-5pm India Time.

You can also fill up this contact form: Contact Hypospadias Foundation

or come to MITR Hospital in person after taking an appointment by sending an email at or calling up at +91-22-27743558/ 4229 or +91-9324180553

Watch Video of proximal penile hypospadias correction by Dr A.K.Singal

Watch Video of scrotal hypospadias repair by Dr A.K.Singal

Watch video of Distal penile hypospadias repair by Dr A.K.Singal

Successful result in a failed hypospadias repair: Boy from Gandhinagar (Gujarat) visits Hypospadias Foundation for a follow-up 5 years after surgery

Hypospadias remains the most common urological abnormality affecting more than 1 lakh kids in India alone (based on incidence of 1/150 in newborn boys). Leaving aside very minor hypospadias without chordee- almost 70-80% of these require hypospadias treatment in form of repair surgery in early childhood.

For a child with Hypospadias, the first surgery is always the best surgery but still there can be complications and failure even in expert hands though complications are much less if operated by a surgeon or a centre where there is a focused practice in treating children with hypospadias. Literature and experts suggest that if a hypospadias surgeon is doing more than 50 hypospadias repairs in a year, then his results will be better and more predictable as compared to a general pediatric surgeon or a urologist who does only 10-20 hypospadias repairs in a year. Once a hypospadias surgery fails, then the next surgeries become more difficult and result more unpredictable. The failure rate of hypospadias surgeries vary from 5% to 50% depending on the type and severity of hypospadias in general centres and less than 10% in centres where hypospadias surgeries are done by expert hypospadias surgeons on a day to day basis.

Case details

Master A.P. was born with a distal penile hypospadias and underwent first surgery in Ahmedabad at the age of 6 years. Unfortunately, the surgery failed and he started passing urine from the same place on the underside of penis- a fistula. The new urinary passage through the head of the penis got tight and closed off. The surgeon tried to open it many times by catheter insertion but it failed. Coupled with failed hypospadias, the child also had an unsatisfactory cosmetic appearance in form of bunching of skin on underside of penis. With this situation they contacted Dr A.K.Singal, Pediatric urologist and expert Hypospadias surgeon at Hypospadias foundation in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai when the boy was ten years of age. After examining and confirming that the whole urinary pipe will have to be remade from distal penile region to the tip of penis (glans), Dr Singal advised a Onlay island flap repair for which the flap would be raised from the nearby bunched up skin. This repair is technically challenging because of previous failed hypospadias surgery but this was the only chance for the boy to have a single stage repair. The surgery for failed hypospadias was finished in 2 hours and A.P. was ready for discharge the next day but since they had travelled all the way from Gujarat, they decided to stay for 7-8 days in Navi Mumbai. The catheter was removed on day7 and he passed urine well from the tip. For the first one month after surgery, there were some chances of new opening getting tight, hence we taught the boy to insert a small catheter just 1cm into the new opening with an antibiotic ointment. The penis healed well in next 3 months and he has remained free of all symptoms now for last 5 years. At 15 years of age and after his 10th standard exams, A.P visited us and had a big smile on his face. He is looking forward to higher education and he shared with us his dreams and further education goals. We plan to see him again one last time at 18 years of age. His penis growth and his functional & cosmetic outcome has been excellent so far.

Dr A.K.Singal with the patient

Letter of thanks from the father:

Dear Dr Singal,

My son A.P was operated first at Ahmedabad. The hypospadias problem was not solved and it actually worsened and we were very tense my son’s future life. While searching through internet I came to know about you and your colleague doctors.

From your past surgeries and mastery about Hypospadia surgeries we decided and contacted you before surgery. At Mitr hospital, from the first meeting with you, we were confident about our son’s second Hypospadias surgery and we decided to do it only with you.

At Mitr Hospital, we experienced very good pre and after surgery treatment from Doctors and staff also, very good and polite staff. At Gujarat we don’t have such experienced and professional hospital staff. I think this is also very important besides doctors. I feel that if the doctors are not confident they must not try and go ahead for these type of surgeries because once it is fails, the situation of patient and his family is unbearable. It creates psychological problems also and these can be very stressful to handle. Thanks to your team, my son is doing well now.


M.P., Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

About Failed Hypospadias repair:

When the hypospadias surgery fails, it is a moment of distress and lot of anguish for the parents. Even the doctors feel terrible because they know that even a hypospadias surgery which has been done well doesn’t mean that everything will heal also well. There are many variable factors which affect healing and hence, complications of hypospadias surgery happen sometimes even in best of hypospadias surgeon’s hands. The only difference being that when an expert hypospadias surgeon does the surgery, the chances of complications decreases drastically. And even if the complications happen, they can be managed well without any panic or long lasting impact.

The complications which may need second surgery are: urethral fistula, tight urethra (stenosis or urethral stricture), residual curvature (chordee), dehiscence (complete breakdown or partial breakdown), diverticulum, penile torsion or an unsatisfactory cosmetic outcome. Once it is ascertained that a second surgery is indeed needed for hypospadias, it is important to wait for 5-6 months before planning the next surgery.

About Dr A.K.Singal

Dr A.K.Singal is a well known Pediatric Urologist and one of the best hypospadias surgeons in India. Every year under his care in Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai, more than 150 children undergo hypospadias treatment. More than 50 of these are children who have failed hypospadias surgery done elsewhere. With his deep understanding and experience, Dr Singal and his team are able to offer care and cure to these children. He can be contacted at or you can call his Assistant Doctor – Dr Rajkumar at 98212161448 if you wish to take a second opinion for a failed hypospadias surgery. Else you can fill up this contact form:

Contact Dr A.K.Singal