Successful result in a failed hypospadias repair: Boy from Gandhinagar (Gujarat) visits Hypospadias Foundation for a follow-up 5 years after surgery

Hypospadias remains the most common urological abnormality affecting more than 1 lakh kids in India alone (based on incidence of 1/150 in newborn boys). Leaving aside very minor hypospadias without chordee- almost 70-80% of these require hypospadias treatment in form of repair surgery in early childhood.

For a child with Hypospadias, the first surgery is always the best surgery but still there can be complications and failure even in expert hands though complications are much less if operated by a surgeon or a centre where there is a focused practice in treating children with hypospadias. Literature and experts suggest that if a hypospadias surgeon is doing more than 50 hypospadias repairs in a year, then his results will be better and more predictable as compared to a general pediatric surgeon or a urologist who does only 10-20 hypospadias repairs in a year. Once a hypospadias surgery fails, then the next surgeries become more difficult and result more unpredictable. The failure rate of hypospadias surgeries vary from 5% to 50% depending on the type and severity of hypospadias in general centres and less than 10% in centres where hypospadias surgeries are done by expert hypospadias surgeons on a day to day basis.

Case details

Master A.P. was born with a distal penile hypospadias and underwent first surgery in Ahmedabad at the age of 6 years. Unfortunately, the surgery failed and he started passing urine from the same place on the underside of penis- a fistula. The new urinary passage through the head of the penis got tight and closed off. The surgeon tried to open it many times by catheter insertion but it failed. Coupled with failed hypospadias, the child also had an unsatisfactory cosmetic appearance in form of bunching of skin on underside of penis. With this situation they contacted Dr A.K.Singal, Pediatric urologist and expert Hypospadias surgeon at Hypospadias foundation in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai when the boy was ten years of age. After examining and confirming that the whole urinary pipe will have to be remade from distal penile region to the tip of penis (glans), Dr Singal advised a Onlay island flap repair for which the flap would be raised from the nearby bunched up skin. This repair is technically challenging because of previous failed hypospadias surgery but this was the only chance for the boy to have a single stage repair. The surgery for failed hypospadias was finished in 2 hours and A.P. was ready for discharge the next day but since they had travelled all the way from Gujarat, they decided to stay for 7-8 days in Navi Mumbai. The catheter was removed on day7 and he passed urine well from the tip. For the first one month after surgery, there were some chances of new opening getting tight, hence we taught the boy to insert a small catheter just 1cm into the new opening with an antibiotic ointment. The penis healed well in next 3 months and he has remained free of all symptoms now for last 5 years. At 15 years of age and after his 10th standard exams, A.P visited us and had a big smile on his face. He is looking forward to higher education and he shared with us his dreams and further education goals. We plan to see him again one last time at 18 years of age. His penis growth and his functional & cosmetic outcome has been excellent so far.

Dr A.K.Singal with the patient

Letter of thanks from the father:

Dear Dr Singal,

My son A.P was operated first at Ahmedabad. The hypospadias problem was not solved and it actually worsened and we were very tense my son’s future life. While searching through internet I came to know about you and your colleague doctors.

From your past surgeries and mastery about Hypospadia surgeries we decided and contacted you before surgery. At Mitr hospital, from the first meeting with you, we were confident about our son’s second Hypospadias surgery and we decided to do it only with you.

At Mitr Hospital, we experienced very good pre and after surgery treatment from Doctors and staff also, very good and polite staff. At Gujarat we don’t have such experienced and professional hospital staff. I think this is also very important besides doctors. I feel that if the doctors are not confident they must not try and go ahead for these type of surgeries because once it is fails, the situation of patient and his family is unbearable. It creates psychological problems also and these can be very stressful to handle. Thanks to your team, my son is doing well now.


M.P., Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

About Failed Hypospadias repair:

When the hypospadias surgery fails, it is a moment of distress and lot of anguish for the parents. Even the doctors feel terrible because they know that even a hypospadias surgery which has been done well doesn’t mean that everything will heal also well. There are many variable factors which affect healing and hence, complications of hypospadias surgery happen sometimes even in best of hypospadias surgeon’s hands. The only difference being that when an expert hypospadias surgeon does the surgery, the chances of complications decreases drastically. And even if the complications happen, they can be managed well without any panic or long lasting impact.

The complications which may need second surgery are: urethral fistula, tight urethra (stenosis or urethral stricture), residual curvature (chordee), dehiscence (complete breakdown or partial breakdown), diverticulum, penile torsion or an unsatisfactory cosmetic outcome. Once it is ascertained that a second surgery is indeed needed for hypospadias, it is important to wait for 5-6 months before planning the next surgery.

About Dr A.K.Singal

Dr A.K.Singal is a well known Pediatric Urologist and one of the best hypospadias surgeons in India. Every year under his care in Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai, more than 150 children undergo hypospadias treatment. More than 50 of these are children who have failed hypospadias surgery done elsewhere. With his deep understanding and experience, Dr Singal and his team are able to offer care and cure to these children. He can be contacted at or you can call his Assistant Doctor – Dr Rajkumar at 98212161448 if you wish to take a second opinion for a failed hypospadias surgery. Else you can fill up this contact form:

Contact Dr A.K.Singal

Complications after Hypospadias Repair Surgery in children

Hypospadias repair surgery is a very delicate and demanding surgery. It tests the ingenuity of the hypospadias surgeon, surgery skills and most importantly experience. We have realized that hypospadias repair procedure is not a surgery which can be done casually or as one of the many surgeries which a surgeon does. Best results of hypospadias surgeries are seen only when the surgeon dedicates his time and energy in pursuing the art and science of hypospadiology. Results keep on improving day by day and year by year. With more than 600 hypospadias repairs done over last 5 years, Hypospadias Foundation at MITR Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India provides the best results in hypospadias surgeries in south East asia. Children have travelled from all over India and other countries such as Nigeria, Greece, Bangladesh, Iraq, UAE to get treated under Dr Singal’s care for hypospadias.

To get the best outcome in hypospadias, it requires a big team effort which includes hypospadias surgeon, assistants, well trained OT staff and post-surgery caring staff.

No surgery is free of complication and complications happen even in the best of hypospadias surgeon’s hands though they keep in decreasing with advancing experience. Whenever we see any child with hypospadias in our clinic, we make sure that we discuss in detail about the possibility of complications and the post hypospadias surgery outcomes. Some of these we discuss it further here:

Immediate complications after hypospadias repair:

  1. Bleeding – Penis is a very vascular organ with a lot of blood supply. Since hypospadias surgery involves lot of dissection of penis and making of various flaps, suturing them back in proper way is very vital in preventing this complication. The bleeding is usually minor and stops in 2-3 days. Earlier we used to apply heavy and tight dressings after hypospadias surgery but now we have realized that these actually delay healing as they compress the healing tissue. So presently the dressings which we use are very soft and light.
  2. Infection- After any surgery, the immunity of the body goes down plus there is raw area which invites growth of infection causing bacteria.  Fortunately, when we do hypospadias repair in children, infection is very rare and even if it occurs is usually superficial and resolves with antibiotics. Various preventive actions are taken before hypospadias repair such as very sterile techniques in operation theatre, broad spectrum antibiotic at start of surgery and 8 hours after surgery, oral antibiotics after surgery and careful handling post-surgery.

Short term complications after hypospadias repair:

  1. Urethral Fistula: Fistula implies leakage of urine somewhere from the newly formed urethral tube below the tip of penis. This occurs because of improper healing resulting from poor blood supply, infection, tight stitches or just poor surgical technique. Sometimes the urethral fistula after hypospadias surgery may heal by itself but mostly it requires surgery which is recommended only after 6 months of first hypospadias surgery. Fistula occurrence depends on experience of the hypospadias surgeon, severity of hypospadias and technique.
  2. Meatal stenosis: This refers to a tight urinary opening after surgery of hypospadias. This can be seen even 2 weeks after surgery and may need regular calibration or minor cut back procedure called meatotomy in some cases.
  3. Diverticulum: This refers to formation of a baggy distended urethral tube and is visible during passage of urine. This may be seen after an onlay flap repair for hypospadias as the skin flap expands and balloons during passage of urine. With careful trimming of the flap during surgery, this has become much less common and occurs in less than 1% of cases after hypospadias surgery.
  4. Stricture: Sometimes during the healing phase, the new urethral tube may become narrow and cause obstruction to urine flow. This is noticed by poor stream, straining (application of force) during passage of urine and long time taken to pass urine. This may require further treatment in form of dilatation or a second surgery some months later.
  5. Dehiscence/ breakdown: Very rarely, the whole repair may breakdown due to poor healing, infection or loss of blood supply requiring more surgeries. This is very uncommon and unfortunate event necessitating a complete redo repair of the hypospadias.

With the newer techniques of hypospadias repair and growing experience of hypospadias surgeons, the complications have become much less common after hypospadias surgery and even when they occur they can be managed well. It is well said that “the prepared mind never knows much trouble”. Once we know that complications can occur in any surgery and be prepared for them, it is much easier to initiate preventive action during surgery itself. Also, it is vital to identify complications earlier so that they can be managed well in time before any long term damage occurs.

About the author:

Dr A.K.Singal is a Pediatric urologist and is renowned as one of the best hypospadias surgeons in India for his dedication towards Hypospadias and excellent results of hypospadias surgery. He has been an invited speaker in various national and international medical conferences and workshops for hypospadias. He is also the founder of Hypospadias Foundation – an organization dedicated to best of care for children with hypospadias. Dr Singal practices art and science of hypospadias treatment in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai area of western India.

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    Goals of Hypospadias Repair Surgery

    Before we talk about goals of hypospadias surgery, let’s understand the issues in uncorrected hypospadias.

    Anatomical defects in Hypospadias: Hypospadias encompasses two basic structural defects in the penis- abnormal location of the urinary opening and chordee (bend in the penis). Another minor defect is incomplete foreskin (prepuce) which does not lead to much cosmetic or functional impairment. We regularly use prepuce and its internal tissues for performing a strong structural hypospadias repair, hence circumcision most often is a part of the procedure.

    Functional issues in Hypospadias: Functionally, penis has two important aspects:

    1. Ensure Smooth uninterrupted flow of urine-possible by a wide caliber of urethra
    2. Sexual organ for intercourse and also for passage of semen for fertility

    Except in minor hypospadias, in all moderate to severe hypospadias both these functions are impaired unless corrected.

    Cosmetic deformity in Hypospadias: Last but not the least, except for very minor hypospadias without chordee – all the other hypospadias lead to significant cosmetic deformity which most of the teenagers and adults would not accept as normal. Genital perception is important in overall normal development of the child into a balanced teenager and adult later on.

    Goals of Hypospadias repair: Hypospadias surgery procedure (urethroplasty) mostly in single stage and rarely in multiple stages (depending on the severity of hypospadias) aims to correct these structural defects, impart a good functional outcome both from urinary perspective all throughout life and later in adulthood for sexual purposes with a good cosmetic appearance.

    Hence, when doing the hypospadias correction, a hypospadias expert surgeon keeps all these goals in mind. The stepwise approach with a standardized protocol helps in achieving all these goals. Over the last two decades, lot of research and dedicated best hypospadias surgeons have made sure that the anatomy and functional aspects are taken care of in an appropriate manner with long lasting good outcomes.

    Stepwise standardized hypospadias surgery protocol

    (As practiced by Dr A.K.Singal, Pediatric Urologist & Hypospadias Expert)

    After nearly 7 years of dedicated hypospadias surgeries, we and other top hypospadias surgeons have realized that it is very important to follow a standardized approach as follows:

    • Examination under Anesthesia with magnification: The clinical examination done in outpatient department may not have been sufficient. Re-examining the child under anesthesia in detail while wearing magnifying loupes allows a hypospadias surgeon to create a mental roadmap. While scrubbing, draping, painting this roadmap provides a reliable navigation and focus to achieve best results during hypospadias repair.
    • Marking of skin incisions and injection of anesthetic agent with adrenaline: We routinely as a first step mark the incision sites and then inject dilute xylocaine and adrenaline and then wait for five minutes. This prevents minor bleeds from the hypospadias surgery site and keeps the area clean. This also allows decreases the use of electrocautery to stop the bleeding to a minimum.
    • Degloving the penis: Incisions are deepened preserving the nerve and blood supply to penis and whole skin of the penis is taken down – a step called degloving. This is done in all l hypospadias surgeries and most of the times is enough for correction of the chordee. The penis is carefullu delgoved preserving the urethral plate. Till this time, the technique of hypospadias repair is still not decided.
    • Chordee correction: Once penis is completely degloved, an artificial erection test is done to make sure that the penis is straight else various types of chordee correction procedures can be done. Straightening of the penis is the prerequisite for any type of urethroplasty and a surgeon should not move ahead with urethroplasty till chordee correction is satisfactory.
    • Deciding the technique of Hypospadias repair (Urethroplasty): After chordee correction, anatomy is assessed again. If the hypospadias is not very severe and the urethral plate (tissue between urinary opening till the glans) is wide, soft and elastic- a Tubularised Incised plate urethroplasty (Snodgrass repair) can be done). In a proximal hypospadias or a poor urethral plate, onlay island flap repair should be done. If the skin just below the urethral plate is good, then a Mathieu’s flip flap repair can also be done. If the urethral plate has been transected to correct the penis curvature then a precpucial tube repair should be considered or a staged hypospadias repair can be done.
    • Second layer coverage to prevent fistula: A second layer cover over the new urethra is very important to prevent urethral fistula post hypospadias surgery. This can be taken from surrounding spongiosum, dartos fascia from prepuce or tunica vaginalis (covering of the testis)
    • Glansplasty and meatoplasty: Reconstruction of the head of penis is a critical component for good cosmetic result as well as to make sure the opening is wide enough to allow free passage of urine. This is ensured by wide dissection of glans and also while closing the glans new urethra should be able to accommodate a good sized catheter without tension. Meatus should be left wide and an effort is made to make it like a slit like meatus which is cosmetically pleasing.
    • Penile skin closure: Excess prepuce on the top of penis is split in midline and brought on either side towards underside of penis. Jacket shaped incisions are made to remove extra foreskin and then a midline suture line is created for an excellent cosmetic outcome after hypospadias repair.
    • Proper fixation of the catheter: Urethral catheter is fixed with a stitch taken through glans so that it stays inside. The catheter is kept for 5-10 days depending on the type of surgery and healing.
    • Dressing: Decade ago very bulky and tight hypospadias dressings were in vogue, nowadays we use very soft and light dressings which can be removed easily an then let the catheter drain into a double diaper.

    Following these sequential hypospadias surgery steps and a standardised protocol over last few years in more than 500 kids, has led to faster surgery, shorter anesthesia times, lesser bleeding, better cosmesis and extremely low rates of complications after hypospadias surgery at Hypospadias Foundation. And most importantly, this has also made sure that all the goals of hypospadias surgery are properly met.

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      Hypospadias Surgery In India

      Every year more than 100,000 (1 lakh) boys are born with hypospadias in India.  It is s staggering number.

      This incidence has been calculated from birth rate for male babies according to Census 2011 and considering that the worldwide accepted incidence of hypospadias is around 1/150 male births. Further we have adjusted this for infant mortality rate. Though our own research in a population study done by Hypospadias Foundation in Vashi & Nerul areas of Navi Mumbai has shown an incidence of hypospadias around 1/126 male births, the base population was only  1200 births which was not very big, hence we did not use this figure.

      At Hypospadias Foundation, we are concerned about this increasing incidence of hypospadias across the globe and we are planning to devote time and resources towards research. At the same time, even if we ignore minor hypospadias and those babies without chordee, in whom we can avoid surgery, still about 70,000-80,000 babies will need hypospadias repair surgeries in India every year.

      In India, hypospadias repair surgeries are performed by pediatric urologists (wherever available), pediatric surgeons, urologists as well as some plastic surgeons. Some of these surgeons have learnt the art of hypospadias surgery with a formal pediatric urology training while others have gained experience due to their personal interest and have achieved good results. Fortunately, there are short team visiting courses available at some international centres  and also with the availability of good learning resources on internet, surgeon with special interests in hypospadias can explore multiple avenues for training. Infact the current generation of hypospadias surgeons is learning quickly and also starting their careers at a better knowledge base than surgeons who were learning hypospadias two decades back. Newer instruments, newer surgery techniques and sutures have improved the hypospadias repair outcomes.

      At centres like Hypospadias Foundation at MITR Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India – a team  of two surgeons with special interest in Hypospadias – Pediatric Urologist & Hypospadiologist- Dr A.K.Singal and adult urologist – Dr Manish Dubey- work together to enhance the outcomes of surgery both in in children as well as adults with hypospadias. While the aim of the team is to spread awareness and also provide for early surgery in infancy for children with hypospadias, they are also reaching out gradually to many older children and adults with failed hypospadias repairs, persisting or residual hypospadias issues. At Hypospadias Foundation, almost every week, the team gets to see an adolescent or an adult with persistent hypospadias issues such as chordee, urethral fistula, urethral stricture, or poor cosmetic outcome such as buried penis. Some of these patients have multiple problems either due to partly or improperly repaired hypospadias in childhood. These cases are looked after by the team with special attention and effort. You can see such a cases:

      14 years old Multiple failed hypospadias surgeries in childhood

      With growing team and experience, the number of children and adults undergoing hypospadias surgery at Hypospadias foundation have steadily increased over the last five years. This year in 2013, we will finish with around 150 hypospadias surgeries and though it is good but it not even 1% of the total burden in India. We hope to start training pediatric surgeons and urologists so that within India there is facility for budding surgeons to learn the state of art hypospadias surgery.

      Healthcare and specifically surgery is all about trust and for complicated diseases like hypospadias it takes time to achieve trust. Every single child who has undergone a successful surgery at Hypospadias Foundation, the family has spread the goodwill and good word about the dedication of our team.  In the last two years, we have been lucky to be a part of treatment process and lives of lot of outstation and international patients – some have come in from Surat, Jalgaon, Nasik, Kolhapur while others have travelled even from Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jaipur and even as far as Jammu or Calcutta. Internationally, we now offer assistance to 1-2 patients every month from countries like Sri lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, UAE and Congo. Most of the patients who travel these large distances are either failed hypospadias or complex hypospadias who haven’t been able to get satisfactory counseling or answer to their problems.

      Our team at Hypospadias Foundation helps the families with email guidance, online consults, follow-ups and planning travel and surgeries according to availability of Dr Singal and Dr Dubey.

      You can watch Videos of Hypospadias Surgery on our youtube channel:

      Hypospadias Channel


      Distal penile hypospadias repair

      Severe Hypospadias single stage repair by Dr Singal

      Contact Hypospadias Foundation

      Dr A.K.Singal can be contacted at

      1. MITR Hospital & Hypospadias Foundation, Kharghar – 022-27742558/ 4229  & 9324180553

      Mon/ Wed/ Fri 5:00-6:00pm

      1. MGM Hospital Vashi – 02261526666, 6607

      Mon/ Wed/ Fri 7:00-8:00pm

      1. MITR Clinic, Vashi- 02265163816, 9324502572

      Tue/ Saturday 7:00-8:00pm

      1. Fortis Hospital, Sector-9, Vashi- 02239199222, 200

      Tue/ Saturday 6:00-7:00pm

      Watch our youtube channel for videos of Hypospadias surgery – Pediatric Urology & Hypospadias Channel

      You can write to us at dr Singal’s email Id –  for a second opinion or guidance.

      Contact Form for Hypospadias Foundation

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