Why is dressing needed after hypospadias surgery (urethroplasty)?

As after any surgery, a dressing is required after hypospadias repair as well and the reasons for this are many.

  • The dressing helps to prevent infections by creating a physical barrier as well as supports the penis in the healing phase.
  • Penis is an organ which has a tendency to swell up after surgery or any trauma and thus a dressing helps to support the organ in the healing phase after hypospadias surgery.
  • Besides these two major goals, some surgeons use the dressings to prevent bleeding after surgery but with the refined techniques and more experience, bleeding has become less common issue surgery and we at hypospadias foundation generally use a very loose dressing as prevention of bleeding is generally not the goal for the application of dressing.

When we were in surgical training, we had a standard firm elastocrape dressing which used to be applied tightly and was resultantly difficult to remove. The advantage, though, was that it would remain in place without the risk of getting dislodged. On a personal front, as a resident doctor asked to remove those bulky sticky dressings, I was never happy with the dressing as it was difficult to apply, difficult to remove and I felt that it would cause too much of pressure on the healing tissue at the cost of impairing circulation. Also the healing area will not get air to breathe. I was worried that this may result in poor healing as well.

Over the last few years though the primary goals of dressings have remained the same, the dressing after hypospadias surgery itself in our practice has become very easy to apply and remove.

What we use is the following:

At the end of hypospadias surgery, we put a transparent cling wrap kind of dressing called – Tegaderm film- on to the penis – the operated site. This is light in consistency, does not stick to the tissues, is easy to remove and it allows passage of air through it thus aiding in healing.

Over the Tegaderm film, we apply a couple of rolls of thin white gauze just to support the penis and this layer is kept loose and just functions as a soft scaffolding.

A small piece of sticking tape called micropore is applied to hold the gauze piece and the catheter in place and this step finishes the dressing.

In some children, if the dissection has been extensive into the scrotum or the penis length is short we apply a sandwich type of dressing over the whole area instead of a rolled dressing.

Double diaper care- finally the catheter is brought out through a small hole in the inner diaper and left to drain in the outer diaper. Double diapers also help in keeping the area snug and dry during the healing process while allowing the children freedom of movement.

We believe a loose dressing after hypospadias surgery allows good blood circulation to operated area after surgery and thus faster healing. Also, we have observed that the pain is much less with this type of dressing. This dressing is also very easy to remove in the outpatient department during follow up.

What can go wrong with hypospadias dressings?

Dressings can get dislodged fairly frequently after hypospadias surgery. If this happens during first 2-3 days we like to do the dressing again in clinic. But if this happens after 3 days, we just remove the dressing completely and apply antibiotic ointment on the operated area 3-4 times a day and at every diaper change.

When do we remove the dressings

We generally remove the dressings on day 5-6 but in certain distal hypospadias we like to remove the dressings along with the catheter on day 7 after surgery. Removing them together avoids one opd visit for the family.

How are dressings removed after hypospadias surgery/ urethroplasty?

Dressings are removed in the outpatient unit by the junior doctor or the treating surgeon by gently teasing them out. Sometimes normal saline is used to ease out the dressings by making them wet. We have seen that tegaderm based dressings slip out fairly easily in clinic. The only caution to make sure that the catheter is not accidentally pulled up while loosening the dressing.

What happens if there is bleeding into the dressing?

Minor bleeding after hypospadias surgery is fairly common and happens as penis has very robust blood supply. Generally this occurs as a small amount of blood spotting or drops of blood at the tip of penis. If the bleeding stops by itself, nothing needs to be done and this is generally the case. If the bleeding is more in quantity, we ask the parents to visit us and a tighter dressing may need to be applied.

What happens if there is urine leakage into the dressing?

Small amount of urine leakage by the side of the catheter into the dressing is common. If there is lot of urine leakage by the side of the catheter then this means that the catheter may be blocked. The surgeon can then flush the catheter to relieve the block and the leakage will stop.

What happens if there is potty staining of the dressing

Sometimes the children may have loose motions after hypospadias surgery due to side effects of the antibiotics. These may then leak and stain the dressing. In such a case you should wash away the stools and visit the Hypospadias Foundation/ Mitr Hospital to get the dressing changed or removed. If dressing is left potty stained for long, this may allow the bacteria in potty to cause infection in the freshly operated hypospadias.

What care to take after removal of dressing

Child can be given warm tub bath twice a day and an antibiotic ointment should be applied on the operated site 4-5 items per day.  Inner Diapers should be changed at least 2-3 times per day and outer ones as soon as they are full with urine.

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