Letter from Across the Seas:

Dear Dr Singal,

Trust all is well with you. We are glad that we came all the way to India to you for our boys and are thankful to you for treating our boys with such care and in a single stage surgery for Hypospadias. As discussed, I have written the write up for the blog. These are basically my views, learnings and tips for other parents, especially the Hospitalization including pre-surgery and post hypospadias surgery course.






Dear Parent,

As parents we all are concerned for our child(ren)’s wellbeing. We interact a lot with Pediatricians and Specialist Pediatrician from birth till their teens. From Vaccinations to Major surgery we ensure our child(ren) gets best of the treatment and care. Until both my twin boys were detected with Hypospadias, I was inexperienced and the entire journey from initial diagnose to surgery has taught me a lot.

Here are some tips, learnings and guidance for parents

Before the meeting the Doctor

1.    Most cases of Hypospadias are detected at birth. The Pediatrician at birth may not be expert enough to guide further so it’s better to consult a Pediatric Urologist or expert hypospadias surgeon as soon as possible.

2.    There is no benchmark for earlier consultation, but its better the visit to the Pediatric Urologist when the child is less than 6 months old.

3.    If you are an outstation patient and are communicating with the doctor over emails ensure you share following info:

  • Baby’s Allergies and medications
  • Any special medication or condition
  • Any hospitalization and the reason

Sometimes this information doesn’t affect the course of hypospadias surgery but its always safe to share as this helps the anesthesiologist for planning a safe anesthesia

4.    If you have a limited timeframe for your visit than

  • Check if there are any further tests (like blood or urine tests) or investigations required before you meet the pediatric urologist
  • As required by the doctor, perform the tests and send the reports to doctor for further guidance. This can be done via email. Since I was traveling from Dubai, I did these tests as recommended by Dr Singal even before I landed up in Mumbai
  • Sometimes a certain blood count such a hemoglobin may be needed to be normal before hypospadias repair procedure is required to perform before surgery and if the count is not as preferred it may take month to reach the desired level.

5.    Check for the travel plans of the doctor so that it doesn’t clash with your visit. Sometimes the doctor maybe traveling for vacation or for a conference.

6.    Convey your travel plans to the doctor

Once you meet the doctor, most of your doubts will be cleared in the initial meeting. A date for hypospadias surgery will be decided in the meeting. If you have questions or doubts regarding the hypospadias treatment procedure please ask the doctor, he will be happy to guide. Sometimes you may have doubts or questions post consultation check with the doctor if you can email for such doubts. The doctor may suggest hospitalization before the day of the surgery and also some additional tests whenever needed.

My twin son’s both had hypospadias and we elected to have surgery for first kid on Monday and second one on Tuesday.

When we reached the hospital we had some minor issues as it was Sunday and we were supposed to see the doctor on call in ER. Since they were already alerted for our visit the doctor on call was prepared with all the requirements. They were to do a blood test on one of my twin. To avoid double prick they decided to insert cannula for one of my boys. And then the hell broke. We had two crying babies (one due to prick and other seeing the first one) and there were hospital formalities to be fulfilled.


1.    Before admission to the hospital

  • Reach hospital half an hour before the schedule time.
  • Insist – The Cannula And Blood Tests Be Done Only After The Kid Is Settled In The Room
  • Request for the allotment of room and fulfill all the formalities
  • Ask for hospital clothes for the baby
  • Change the baby in hospital clothes
  • Once the child is settled than ask doctor on call to the needful

2.    Inform the hospital staff if your child is on a special diet and if they can provide.

3.    Carry baby products – wipes, diapers, any special food or milk powder you may be giving, soft toys which soothes them

4.    Carry you basic requirements for two days of hospitalization

5.    Since the hypospadias operation will be done under anesthesia, check till when the child be given food/water/milk.

 After Care

1.    Learn to change the baby double diaper. We were happy as with double diaper technique the babies were nicely tugged in and there was little fear of catheter dislodgement.

2.    Learn the medications of the baby

3.    Don’t discontinue medication unless the doctor advise

4.    Follow up visits with the doctor

The child will have discomfort and can be cranky due to operation the doctor will guide you. This is a normal phase after any surgery with children as penis is a sensitive organ and pain may be there for a first few days. But as one learned person said “ This too shall pass” It did pass for us. Now when we look back, the difficult days just went by in a jiffy. With the love and support of Dr A.K.Singal, junior doctors and nurses, we saw them through.

My personal advice – Stay Calm and positive through the process.

All the best


An experienced Parent


Please feel free to write to us for an opinion at hypospadiasfoundationindia@gmail.com or fill this contact form http://hypospadiasfoundation.com/contact-patient.htm

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