Checklist before Hypospadias Repair Surgery

Hypospadias Foundation starts Clinic for Hypospadias Treatment & Surgery in Bahrain

Hypospadias is a birth defect which affects a vital organ of the body- Penis. Penis is the most important organ for urinary and sexual function in a male. Though everyone worries more about sexual function, let me tell you as an expert hypospadias surgeon and a pediatric urologist that both urinary and sexual functions are equally important. While we may need penis for sexual function may be once or twice a day and for maybe for 30-40 years in our lives, we certainly need it for urinary function right from birth till we die and many more times each day. Hence the purpose of hypospadias repair is to set both the functions right in one go- single stage urethroplasty. This includes correction of the curvature of the penis (chordee correction) as well as making a good caliber smooth new urethra till the tip of penis.

But all said and done – Hypospadias treatment means a surgery. Surgery word itself is very scary and it requires a lot of courage and faith for the parents to handover their little one to a surgeon and let me tell you it is not easy for parents to hand over their young kid for a surgery. Lot of things go around in their minds about risks, results and safety of both surgery and anesthesia. Having been a pediatric urologist for almost a decade now, I can feel their helplessness and pain. I never let these feelings overpower me and become a stumbling block to delivering good care. I try to channelize them in the right way and empathize with the family and tell them upfront that I know how they are feeling. And then I tell them what all safety precautions and risk mitigation strategies we have lined up for the hypospadias surgery. My favorite sentence at this juncture is “Safety first everything else later”.

An helmet/ bike analogy works well in this situation: we should always follow all precautions before we go for a bike ride and most importantly wearing a helmet. We may wear a helmet a thousand times and not have an accident but the day we don’t wear it that is the day when we are vulnerable and if something happens- it will be life threatening. Similarly, while doing a hypospadias surgery on a small kid we also take all precautions to make sure that we are absolutely prepared even if something happens in that rare 1/1000 chances.

Hypospadias Surgery Checklist:

  1. Pre-operative fitness tests: A thorough history is taken for any evidence of infection, other illness and any familial disorders. A complete blood count and a urine test is done to check for body parameters. A pediatrician consult is often taken for a systemic examination. Chest xray is no longer recommended routinely before elective surgery if the chest examination is normal.
  2. Pediatric Anesthesiologist: An anesthesia doctor adept at handling kids and regularly giving anesthesia to small kids is the second most important team member after the pediatric urologist.
  3. Hypospadias surgery set: Hypospadias repair surgery require fine, sharp and specialized microsurgery instruments- we keep is separately as a “Hypospadias Set” which is not used for any other surgery.
  4. Operation theatre: OT needs to be clean, sterilized, have all safety equipment for anesthesia, good lighting and all possible infection control measures.
  5. Antibiotic dose just before surgery: We give a dose of injectable broad spectrum antibiotic just before starting the surgery as an infection prevention measure.
  6. Trained staff: Well-trained nursing and junior doctor staff is needed both while assisting surgeries as well as post-operative management, since at Hypospadias foundation at MITR Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India- we do more than 150 hypospadias repairs every year- even the ward assistants know the care of these babies after surgery.
  7. Standardised protocol of surgery:  This has been covered in another blog- read it here.

As a Pediatric Urologist and Hypospadias Specialist, I feel overwhelmed when parents trust me and handover their little ones under my care. It is a big responsibility and I try my best to handle them with care. Trust and faith that everything will be fine goes a long way in finding a cure for hypospadias. After all we are all instruments of god trying to do our best. As long as the intentions and efforts are honest, the results will also be good.

About Dr A.K.Singal: Dr Singal is a renowned and top pediatric urologist & one of the best hypospadias surgeons in India. He is well known for single stage hypospadias surgical corrections. He operates children with hypospadias at his centre @ Hypospadias Foundation at Kharghar Navi Mumbai, at MGM & Fortis Hospitals in Vashi, at Fortis Hospital in Mulund, Mumbai and at Jupiter Hospital in Thane.

Dr A.K.Singal during Hypospadias surgery

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Complications after Hypospadias Repair Surgery in children

Hypospadias repair surgery is a very delicate and demanding surgery. It tests the ingenuity of the hypospadias surgeon, surgery skills and most importantly experience. We have realized that hypospadias repair procedure is not a surgery which can be done casually or as one of the many surgeries which a surgeon does. Best results of hypospadias surgeries are seen only when the surgeon dedicates his time and energy in pursuing the art and science of hypospadiology. Results keep on improving day by day and year by year. With more than 600 hypospadias repairs done over last 5 years, Hypospadias Foundation at MITR Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India provides the best results in hypospadias surgeries in south East asia. Children have travelled from all over India and other countries such as Nigeria, Greece, Bangladesh, Iraq, UAE to get treated under Dr Singal’s care for hypospadias.

To get the best outcome in hypospadias, it requires a big team effort which includes hypospadias surgeon, assistants, well trained OT staff and post-surgery caring staff.

No surgery is free of complication and complications happen even in the best of hypospadias surgeon’s hands though they keep in decreasing with advancing experience. Whenever we see any child with hypospadias in our clinic, we make sure that we discuss in detail about the possibility of complications and the post hypospadias surgery outcomes. Some of these we discuss it further here:

Immediate complications after hypospadias repair:

  1. Bleeding – Penis is a very vascular organ with a lot of blood supply. Since hypospadias surgery involves lot of dissection of penis and making of various flaps, suturing them back in proper way is very vital in preventing this complication. The bleeding is usually minor and stops in 2-3 days. Earlier we used to apply heavy and tight dressings after hypospadias surgery but now we have realized that these actually delay healing as they compress the healing tissue. So presently the dressings which we use are very soft and light.
  2. Infection- After any surgery, the immunity of the body goes down plus there is raw area which invites growth of infection causing bacteria.  Fortunately, when we do hypospadias repair in children, infection is very rare and even if it occurs is usually superficial and resolves with antibiotics. Various preventive actions are taken before hypospadias repair such as very sterile techniques in operation theatre, broad spectrum antibiotic at start of surgery and 8 hours after surgery, oral antibiotics after surgery and careful handling post-surgery.

Short term complications after hypospadias repair:

  1. Urethral Fistula: Fistula implies leakage of urine somewhere from the newly formed urethral tube below the tip of penis. This occurs because of improper healing resulting from poor blood supply, infection, tight stitches or just poor surgical technique. Sometimes the urethral fistula after hypospadias surgery may heal by itself but mostly it requires surgery which is recommended only after 6 months of first hypospadias surgery. Fistula occurrence depends on experience of the hypospadias surgeon, severity of hypospadias and technique.
  2. Meatal stenosis: This refers to a tight urinary opening after surgery of hypospadias. This can be seen even 2 weeks after surgery and may need regular calibration or minor cut back procedure called meatotomy in some cases.
  3. Diverticulum: This refers to formation of a baggy distended urethral tube and is visible during passage of urine. This may be seen after an onlay flap repair for hypospadias as the skin flap expands and balloons during passage of urine. With careful trimming of the flap during surgery, this has become much less common and occurs in less than 1% of cases after hypospadias surgery.
  4. Stricture: Sometimes during the healing phase, the new urethral tube may become narrow and cause obstruction to urine flow. This is noticed by poor stream, straining (application of force) during passage of urine and long time taken to pass urine. This may require further treatment in form of dilatation or a second surgery some months later.
  5. Dehiscence/ breakdown: Very rarely, the whole repair may breakdown due to poor healing, infection or loss of blood supply requiring more surgeries. This is very uncommon and unfortunate event necessitating a complete redo repair of the hypospadias.

With the newer techniques of hypospadias repair and growing experience of hypospadias surgeons, the complications have become much less common after hypospadias surgery and even when they occur they can be managed well. It is well said that “the prepared mind never knows much trouble”. Once we know that complications can occur in any surgery and be prepared for them, it is much easier to initiate preventive action during surgery itself. Also, it is vital to identify complications earlier so that they can be managed well in time before any long term damage occurs.

About the author:

Dr A.K.Singal is a Pediatric urologist and is renowned as one of the best hypospadias surgeons in India for his dedication towards Hypospadias and excellent results of hypospadias surgery. He has been an invited speaker in various national and international medical conferences and workshops for hypospadias. He is also the founder of Hypospadias Foundation – an organization dedicated to best of care for children with hypospadias. Dr Singal practices art and science of hypospadias treatment in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai area of western India.

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    Letter from Across the seas : Mother of twins shares Hypospadias Surgery guide for parents

    Letter from Across the Seas:

    Dear Dr Singal,

    Trust all is well with you. We are glad that we came all the way to India to you for our boys and are thankful to you for treating our boys with such care and in a single stage surgery for Hypospadias. As discussed, I have written the write up for the blog. These are basically my views, learnings and tips for other parents, especially the Hospitalization including pre-surgery and post hypospadias surgery course.






    Dear Parent,

    As parents we all are concerned for our child(ren)’s wellbeing. We interact a lot with Pediatricians and Specialist Pediatrician from birth till their teens. From Vaccinations to Major surgery we ensure our child(ren) gets best of the treatment and care. Until both my twin boys were detected with Hypospadias, I was inexperienced and the entire journey from initial diagnose to surgery has taught me a lot.

    Here are some tips, learnings and guidance for parents

    Before the meeting the Doctor

    1.    Most cases of Hypospadias are detected at birth. The Pediatrician at birth may not be expert enough to guide further so it’s better to consult a Pediatric Urologist or expert hypospadias surgeon as soon as possible.

    2.    There is no benchmark for earlier consultation, but its better the visit to the Pediatric Urologist when the child is less than 6 months old.

    3.    If you are an outstation patient and are communicating with the doctor over emails ensure you share following info:

    • Baby’s Allergies and medications
    • Any special medication or condition
    • Any hospitalization and the reason

    Sometimes this information doesn’t affect the course of hypospadias surgery but its always safe to share as this helps the anesthesiologist for planning a safe anesthesia

    4.    If you have a limited timeframe for your visit than

    • Check if there are any further tests (like blood or urine tests) or investigations required before you meet the pediatric urologist
    • As required by the doctor, perform the tests and send the reports to doctor for further guidance. This can be done via email. Since I was traveling from Dubai, I did these tests as recommended by Dr Singal even before I landed up in Mumbai
    • Sometimes a certain blood count such a hemoglobin may be needed to be normal before hypospadias repair procedure is required to perform before surgery and if the count is not as preferred it may take month to reach the desired level.

    5.    Check for the travel plans of the doctor so that it doesn’t clash with your visit. Sometimes the doctor maybe traveling for vacation or for a conference.

    6.    Convey your travel plans to the doctor

    Once you meet the doctor, most of your doubts will be cleared in the initial meeting. A date for hypospadias surgery will be decided in the meeting. If you have questions or doubts regarding the hypospadias treatment procedure please ask the doctor, he will be happy to guide. Sometimes you may have doubts or questions post consultation check with the doctor if you can email for such doubts. The doctor may suggest hospitalization before the day of the surgery and also some additional tests whenever needed.

    My twin son’s both had hypospadias and we elected to have surgery for first kid on Monday and second one on Tuesday.

    When we reached the hospital we had some minor issues as it was Sunday and we were supposed to see the doctor on call in ER. Since they were already alerted for our visit the doctor on call was prepared with all the requirements. They were to do a blood test on one of my twin. To avoid double prick they decided to insert cannula for one of my boys. And then the hell broke. We had two crying babies (one due to prick and other seeing the first one) and there were hospital formalities to be fulfilled.


    1.    Before admission to the hospital

    • Reach hospital half an hour before the schedule time.
    • Insist – The Cannula And Blood Tests Be Done Only After The Kid Is Settled In The Room
    • Request for the allotment of room and fulfill all the formalities
    • Ask for hospital clothes for the baby
    • Change the baby in hospital clothes
    • Once the child is settled than ask doctor on call to the needful

    2.    Inform the hospital staff if your child is on a special diet and if they can provide.

    3.    Carry baby products – wipes, diapers, any special food or milk powder you may be giving, soft toys which soothes them

    4.    Carry you basic requirements for two days of hospitalization

    5.    Since the hypospadias operation will be done under anesthesia, check till when the child be given food/water/milk.

     After Care

    1.    Learn to change the baby double diaper. We were happy as with double diaper technique the babies were nicely tugged in and there was little fear of catheter dislodgement.

    2.    Learn the medications of the baby

    3.    Don’t discontinue medication unless the doctor advise

    4.    Follow up visits with the doctor

    The child will have discomfort and can be cranky due to operation the doctor will guide you. This is a normal phase after any surgery with children as penis is a sensitive organ and pain may be there for a first few days. But as one learned person said “ This too shall pass” It did pass for us. Now when we look back, the difficult days just went by in a jiffy. With the love and support of Dr A.K.Singal, junior doctors and nurses, we saw them through.

    My personal advice – Stay Calm and positive through the process.

    All the best


    An experienced Parent


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      Cost of Hypospadias Surgery in India

      Hypospadias is a very common birth defect affecting up to 1/150 newborn baby boys. In the current era most of the couples choose to have one or maximum two children and that too with a lot of planning. The moment the newborn baby boy is diagnosed to have hypospadias – besides distress and worry for the baby’s health and future parents also start worrying about other things. These are:

      • When should the surgery be done
      • Where and by whom should the surgery be done
      • What will be the long term outcome after surgery
      • How much is the hypospadias repair surgery going to cost

      While the first three questions have been answered elsewhere, the last question forms the substance of this blog. Parents always worry ” Is hypospadias repair surgery going to be very expensive?, Would my insurance policy pay for hypospadias surgery since hypospadias is a birth defect”

      The cost of hypospadias repair surgery varies according to the type & severity of the hypospadias, type of surgical technique, time taken by the hypospadias surgeon, assistant used or not and finally type of room taken- general ward or shared room or a single deluxe room.

      • Elaborating further – for a mild variety of hypospadias like glanular/ distal penile hypospadias with mild chordee, an expert hypospadias surgeon will take under one hour for surgery, work without assistant surgeon and the charges may start from 1000 US Dollars (60,000 Indian rupees) while for a severe hypospadias such as scrotal/ perineal hypospadias the charges may go upto 3500 US dollars (2,00,000 Indian rupees) for a single stage urethroplasty.
      • Some of the hospitals in Mumbai may be more expensive than say for example Hypospadias Foundation at MITR Hospital in Navi Mumbai.
      • For some of the severe hypospadias a staged urethroplasty repair may be needed and then the budget may extend further but this happens in less than 5% of the cases. Though at Hypospadias Foundation located at MITR Hospital in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, majority of our hypospadias repair surgeries are single stage urethroplasty surgeries, still in 4-5% of the children referred to us, the hypospadias may have a very severe chordee necessitating a two stage approach for better long term outcomes.

      Hence, the actual charges of hypospadias repair can only be decided after a full hypospadias examination and discussion with the parents face to face.

      Similar hypospadias surgery in USA carries upto ten times the charges and maybe 5-6 times of Indian charges in Europe. When looked at in context of India, though most of the families are able to afford these expenses, for some indian families these may still be high. Some of these families get support from Hypospadias Foundation either as medical consumables support or by way of some discounts in surgeries at Hypospadias Foundation. We have tried to ensure a policy of NEVER Saying NO to a child with hypospadias for economic reasons. If the intent is right, money comes in as Donations etc.

      Coverage of Hypospadias by Insurance Companies:

      Hypospadias being a birth defect is generally not covered by most of the insurance companies in India atleast while in USA, UK it is covered under insurance benefits. Some of the corporate insurance group covers do include all pre-existing as well as birth defects for their employees and hence hypospadias repair procedure may be covered by the insurance company by some of these companies.

      In the other cases, the parents usually end up paying up these charges by themselves out of their own pocket. For new parents working in a job or middle class environment this may be stressful. What helps is that Hypospadias repair surgery is a planned procedure. It can be done anytime between 6 months-15 months of age giving parents enough time to rally around and arrange everything from money to other resources. Hence, it is best that they meet a hypospadias expert or a pediatric urologist early on in first 1-2 months and then learn everything about the charges, hospital stay, pre-hypospadias surgery tests and then get mentally prepared for the actual surgery.

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